I have been way busy this year. Lots of things happening at my end. There has been a long hiatus on this blog of mine. I couldn't complete my project 365 challenge of this year. Dropped out of it by April beginning. Not a cool thing. But that doesn't mean I stopped practicing. I did click snaps as and when I got a chance. I know every moment can be a chance. Everything can be a subject. But I have slowed down this time. Last month something interesting happened on Facebook. It's the five-day-black-and-white photography challenge. It was viral. The rule was simple yet looped.
All one had to do is post FIVE Black and White pictures for FIVE continuous days and
nominate FIVE different friends and ask them to do the same. Everyone on my list whom I know- either an amateur clicker (like me) or a professional photographer was into this, challenged by someone or the other. I secretly admired everyone's snaps. They are my inspiration and of course feel good factor. I also wished someone tagged me and dragged me into the loop. At the same time, I also wanted not to fall for this as it needed five days dedication to post a particular theme based photo.
Voila! What I see.. I am tagged and finally dragged into this 5*5 black-and-white photography challenge by none other than Vidya Rao. Vidya is a good friend. We first bumped into each other on flickr nine years back and now we are more than acquaintances. I have met her three times and must say she is an amazing wildlife enthusiast and also a good photographer. So, how could I deny her challenge. I had to do it for her, for myself, for the inner happiness, for that wanna-be clicker inside me, for my soul. Vidya had suggested a theme for me. According to her, I take candid snaps so well. She stressed that I should post my candid captures and street photography.
She thinks that I have a wonderful collection of snaps and have a great eye for candid moments. Oh really! Thanks Vidya for believing in me.
Well I admit I hunt for uncanny, unconventional yet simple shots when I am with my camera in a street. A street is a happening spot, it has endless subjects, many faces, many emotions, many stories and more so that city's story!
A photograph is nothing but a moment captured and converted into a story. Every image has a story- the way the photographer wants to tell it to the rest. When Vidya challenged me for this five-day-black-and-white photography, I wasn't really sure whether I had so many snaps which speak something, which are small stories in themselves.
The funniest part was with every snap that I posted, I had to tag another fellow clicker/ photographer and drag them into this loop. Well I had to...!
Here are my picks from my collection.
Of drums and rhythms |
I love capturing hands in action. I love feet too. These two have been my subjects for quite sometime. We went to one of the
Drumjam session at Rangoli- The Metro Art Center. And I must say I loved every bit of it. I wish to go there more often.
Of family trips and bikes on Indian roads |
Everyday while returing from work, I notice so many interesting subjects on Bangalore roads. 30 km ride- to and fro from home to office everyday, five days a week. That is a lot. I carry my camera everyday so that I don't miss an interesting subject on the road. I definitely love this city.
Indian roads are getting filled with four wheelers these days. In the midst of heavy traffic during peak hours, this bike was loaded with five people- the father, the mother with the boy kid and two of his sisters (perhaps aged 4-6 years) in the front, sitting over the petrol tank on the bike. Guss! That is signature India. I leave this snap for your interpretation.
"What's up with Indian Men..!?" |
Well 20th Novemeber was "International Men's Day"
(a male colleague told me about it on the same day, I wondered what all that
fuss was about..! Do they need one more day?). Here three so called "
gentle" men busy with what
most men love doing- ogling at ladies/ women/ girls (let's call it
Shot at Lalbagh, a place apt for candid photography.
Once upon a time, they ruled the roads. |
I noticed this horse wagon, somewhere on my way to office, close to Frazer town. Reminded me of old Bollywood movies.
“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” – Ansel Adams |
Somewhere in Lalbagh, this mom was busy capturing those precious moments of her daughter whilst I was standing far away, busy focusing my camera on her.
After this challenge, I definitely fell in love with black and white photography and I owe this to you, Vidya. To me, these monochrome images are priceless. They speak a lot. They mean a lot. They are simple yet complex. They are strong. They are loud. They are profound. I am slowly starting to love black and white photos. Here are two more to the first round of this series.
Over an intense conversation... |
I always notice this guy glued to his cellphone. Perhaps he is a phone addict!
Busy physicists: In search of that right stone.. |
Its fun to throw stones into water and see how
far it can go and how many hops it can make. Definitely lot
of physics goes into this. I thought so.
Back to the challenge, I had to follow the rules. You see as the saying goes, "
rules are rules." So, I had to choose and tag five friends into this creative loop. And I tagged the following friends on facebook~
Chaitra Hegde of
Chaitra Photography,
very dear one and my partner who loves capturing unconventional shots
through his camera. He has honed my photography skills and has taught
me a lot. :)
Erum Kazmi of Erum Kazmi's Photography, famous as Colurs of My Dream on Flickr- she has been my inspiration in many ways. She is a fellow flickr
friend, a die hard tea-totaller, foodie and bookworm.
Varen Val
(Taya)- a dear friend and an amateur photographer who loves capturing
anything and everything that is beautiful and is close to nature.
Shilpa Harish-
a fellow flickr-mate (see her work here) who loves capturing nature, interior decors and
tea (of course).
Nipanjana Patra- she is family like, a friend who is also an amateur clicker and loves to capture naturescapes and birds.
This didn't end here. I was tagged and dragged once again by Wasim Raja, almost after a month. "Once again..! Aah..! Second time..! Noways..!"- these were my expressions at first. But Wasim wanted me to post five more snaps. How could I deny him!? And I ended up doing this once more.
I had to.
This time I was not assigned any particular theme and so
decided to dedicate this series of photo-work to people who are close to me. I decided to post some of my favorite people and a few of their expressions. Here are the photos I chose for the second round.
The first from the series is about friendship.
I know these two men (Hegde and Wasim) since
last seven and half years and you both make me feel like a queen of your
world. You both fought with me, screamed at me, hated me like the way
you both always cared for me, loved me and pampered me like a kid. I am
at home when you guys are around- both a part of my small world.
This one is especially for you, Wasim Raja.
"Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends." ~Virginia Woolf |
The second snap is of joy. I am definitely affectionate towards you. There is no explicit reason or perhaps there is. I have a small wish in my heart and a strong bonding has developed in last few months.
On Subodh's birthday, I could see that joy in his eyes.
"There is a child inside each one of us in our life, who comes out in front of the person we are most comfortable with." ~Unknown |
The third one is of dreams and ambition. The one who makes me feel proud for what she is. A strong, independent, workaholic, determined lady. A sibling who has stood by always for me.
For my girl, Arya.
"Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground." ~Theodore Roosevelt |
The fourth one is about love and trust, dreams and hope and everything that one would perhaps tag with the word- "Mi amor!".
For my bitter half- Chaitra Hegde.
When I ask "Do you..", You always say "No, I don't..!" |
The last one for you, my little angel-cum-devil, Atmaja.You definitely make all of us feel happy and proud of you. You are a ray of positivity and creativity. I have seen you grow in front of me. You have a long way to go, you little champ!
"There is no better friend than a sister. And there is no better sister than you." ~Unknown |
This is the second time I took part in this loop of posting five photos for black-and-white photography challenge. The other side of the rule coin says that "rules are meant to be broken".
So, did I do. I broke the rule.
I won't nominate (tag) any one. I decided this time. :)
To see more of my work, visit Amtrips Photography.