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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A ray of Hope...!!

Having a heart for making a difference means that something or someone made a difference in my heart first. We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects. This tree and its growing branches , spreading across the sky symbolize it.

And as I sit and think, I get reminded of Wordsworth saying~

"That best portion of a good man s life? His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love."

Current Mood: Thoughtful.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


“The essential self is innocent, and when it tastes its own innocence knows that it lives for ever.”

“The silence often of pure innocence persuades when speaking fails.”

~ William Shakespeare

Current Mood: Innocent

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Happy Children's Day

"All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
~Pablo Picasso

Read more @ One Small Life N So Many Thoughts

Current Mood: Thoughtful
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